With the advancements in low-power electronics and energy harvesting technologies, autonomous...
Nanopower featured in EE Times Europe
How Low Can Ultra-Low–Power Connectivity Go?
William Xavier, founder and CTO of Nanopower Semiconductor, was interviewed by Robert Huntley from EE Times Europe about our company's innovative approach to ultra-low-power wireless connectivity.
In an insightful article, Nanopower is presented as a company with a holistic approach to enabling ultra-low-power:
"Rather than focus on reducing the energy consumption of the wireless transceiver alone, Nanopower embraces the whole IoT device, is wireless protocol agnostic, and can address an extensive range of use cases."
According to Xavier, the company's nPZero Sentinel can reduce power consumption by up to 90% by controlling the power to the sensors and the MCU using intelligent power management IC technology. This approach is essential given the alarming number of batteries that will be discarded globally every day by 2025.
"Our IPMIC drains only 19 nA and power cycles the sensors and microcontroller; it doesn’t just put them into sleep. When you hand over the control to us, we will be controlling the peripherals as a master, and we will be able to set new rules and new configurations. Our IPMIC can handle and manage peripherals and hosts autonomously"
Read the full article here